Well dear readers we're approaching another holiday weekend around the corner and as such it's time to snap you out of your complacent observation mode and find out whose really been paying attention with a surprise pop quiz. The three day weekend is to home improvement what the Battle of New Orleans was to Andrew Jackson - a little extra time to make mistakes after you're supposed to be all finished. And it's with Andrews steely visage in mind that we've taken charge during long weekends past. So with that said let's take a look at some partial images from our own historical miss-steps. Simply look at the images and take your best guess on the multiple choice below. A correct answer will show you the complete picture, and incorrect answer will reveal something very disturbing indeed...
This image is:
a: fading vapor trails on lightly cloudy afternoon
b:a keen drywall finish honed from days of practice
c: a demonstration of 100 years of roofing neglect.
d: one of those texas chain saw massacre lead-ins
This coffee is...
b: bold and satisfying
c: complicated and subtle
d: straddling space, time, and two means of egress.
e: all of the above
Alli looks pleased because:
a: she sees the value of "sweat equity"
b: she sees the humor of it all
c: she has a renewed sense of pride of place
d: she got the boulder and can now get the f*%# out of the dining room floor.
This man is .....
a: reminding me just how many false promises were made
b: a fellow homeowner sharing that 'knowing' glance of too much appetite, too little meal
c. a concerned citizen keeping me and my ideals at arms length
d. my cousin Brian good Buffalo NY people