Imaginatory portrait of the Marquis de Sade by H. Biberstein
Sure those crazy 18th century aristocrats knew a thing or two about temptation. But we know a temptation all our own... the forbidden fruit of hired help. At this point, it's almost like admitting defeat to go outside the home for expertise or extra muscle. But with spring fully sprung these weekends aren't getting any easier to devote solely to the house work. So it was with trepidation that we drove the truck to the incorporated home construction materials depot and the unofficial day laborer waiting station to find some help.
For those uninitiated in day labor conscription let me provide some helpful tips as learned firsthand:
1. Only approach the labor pool AFTER you have done your shopping at the home depot - attempting to secure two guys from the pool of 50 before hand only results in driving a truck bed full of dudes to your parking spot and alot of disappointed faces. Times are tight and our solicitation for help was met with a frenzy of attention. I had limited time and resources but I was able to produce this video of the event.
2. Talking louder is not a substitute for spanish, or poorly inflected spanglish
That's pretty much all there is to it. Heed my advice and you will have access to a ready supply of helpful and willing extra hands - in our case two extra men to help skin the yard of the top 3 inches back to level.