Teddy Roosevelt once said "I could move the world if I had a big enough stick" (or something like that). During his time the world was surely a simpler place, the tuberculoses had been tamed (through fresh air), the safety bicycle was all the rage and new industrial-age conveniences were making their way to consumers via catalogue order (a catalogue was like the internet 1.0 in that you could buy household goods while still pretending not to get distracted). It is this industrial age that we have to thank for our many modern conveniences of home automation - our dish-washing machines and our pet drying cabinets etc. And so it was with the spirit of industrial age technology that we set out to find the perfect home cooking device - a gas stove.
And so... as has been our way we found a (seemingly) great deal in a (seemingly) nearby town for another leviathan kitchen appliance:
The only byline in the ad that didn't get much attention was the small print of the shipping weight - 674 lbs. Granted, not something one looks at immediately while prematurely celebrating the ebay auction... but probably something I'm keen to look for now. Anyone who has moved anything knows that it's only a matter of how many guys you can call to help out and this one, realistically was a 4 dude proposition. With two dudes on the selling end, Mason and I were off to Hamburg Pennsylvania.