36 wall tiles= 1/2 days work

Experience is teaching me that it's smarter to start with THE most critical/ difficult part of the job first.... because you'll get it wrong at least once, and there's alot less to take off when you admit defeat. Which is how we have begun tiling in reverse.
The indignity of ending up with a cut tile near the door head had us so paranoid that we began at the top right corner and we're working our way down. We also bought a minimum of these bullnose pieces for the doorway so we really can't screw up. They draw you in with the price of $4 a square foot and then sucker punch you with the trim pieces at $1 a piece.

The foolishness of this decision will only be fully realized at the next step when we abandon the handy setting block (below) and rely on gussets of painters tape to keep the tiles from naturally sliding down the wall as we work.

collective opinion is that the floor is lookin' Pimp-shit.