Monday, April 21, 2008

Liberations, unwanted

Sorry kids, no shiny new pics of progress made. Local Youths saw fit to liberate my jacket and digital camera from the truck parked on the street at 5:30 in the afternoon. This was done via the "smash and grab" technique whereby three dudes watched as one dude smashed the window and grabbed the stuff. I know this because the event was witnessed by two seperate neighbors who reported to the police.

But the joke is on our young assailants as the digi-cam was 50% non-working (we'd long ago lost the feature to view our pictures) and my jacket had become a 21 century small pox blanket- what with all the carcinogens likely interwoven from our lead paint ridden lifestyle.

The cops haven't returned my phone calls... but i'm certain they've got their best men on the case. Well, at least they didn't get the Credence...

also here

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