Saturday, August 20, 2011

Backyard unraveled; Pull this thread as I walk away

never more true

We've dabbled in a few of the cardinal sins throughout the renovation process. It can be argued that the act of renovation/ addition is a greedy self serving act, that the care and focus on the work has resulted in an unhealthy pride of place and that the whole act itself stems from an heaving lust brought on by the home design buff-books stashed throughout the house like some teenagers purloined stack of playboys (This may be why Terence Conran is know as the Bob Guccione of the interior design set)...
"at least one of us is honest about selling sex appeal"

...Now i'm proud to add gluttony to the list - for if gluttony be the sin of over-consumption then we have dined once too often at the table of demolition. Backyard circa yesterday:
This is all part of an effort to correct one of the houses quirks that has the rear yard 3' above the first floor. Here's the back of the house the day we bought it some 17 years ago. We like to imagine that during the excavation of the house the extra dirt was just piled in the back yard and graded flat.
So call it gluttony for demolition or abuse or whatever but it is an over consumption of some kind. This house, like the Weezer's sweater, will soon be naked.

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