Friday, February 15, 2008

9 days and counting

The occasional set backs of 'old house' ownership are often not worth mentioning, it's become assumed if not expected that occasional luxuries will break down and require a repair, re-patch, or re-abandonment... but we're now nine days into a life without hot water.

Indeed we'd become expert at re-lighting the pilot light in our ever malfunctioning hot water heater. We've broken the refrigerator, boiler and washing machine (twice), but these weekly outages were the only [almost constant] warning we would ever get. the bottom end of our tank caved in faster than a Giuliani Presidential bid. I was determined not to be held hostage by the first repair man that showed up - but when that repair man missed 3 consecutive days of appointments and then came back with a $5100 estimate, my cleverness was undone.

we're going to go with the guy on craigslist with a used water heater for 50 bucks - and he'll install it. tough to pass on that one.

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