Sunday, April 10, 2011

deconstructing elegance (like that band that kept playing as the Titanic sank)

Timing is everything.

When it comes to home renovation this old saying is most certainly true. From the submission deadlines to the project construction schedule dates, times and deadlines control almost every phase of the work. If we hadn't filed with the BZA by the end of October it was impossible to get a review before the middle of February, if we hadn't had the review it would have been impossible to start construction by April and the window of good weather for early spring. The construction schedule is much the same - windows, doors and finishes are all tied up in a delicate balancing act of order and delivery so that everything falls in to place at the right time. Everything is managed, nothing is left to chance and with our critical professional oversight we can guarantee that no schedule conflicts will befall our project. It's simple organization and one of the tenants of good project management and the hallmark of professional....professionalism, or something.

So it came as some surprise to find out that the dinner party we scheduled for the week before construction start was in fact scheduled for the week after construction start. But, plans were made and they would be kept come hell or hole in the ground instead of kitchen. I'll spare you the narrative of dinner conversation because it was recorded and I have embedded below via video. simply click play and scroll through the photos below to be transported to a lovely dinner party conversation amongst construction.

press play and scroll down

It actually wasn't half bad, in a room full of architects forgiveness was easy to find - afterall it's because of the help from these guys that the house looks the way it does today.

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