Saturday, April 02, 2011

Impatient Optimism... Conversations with Sanguine Man

Patience: It's a difficult thing to find today. Just the word alone makes me uncomfortable and conjures images of this guy complaining about the internets and young people. It's practically a dirty word or at least a risky proposition... the patient man waits while the impatient man acts - patience as it were is not often associated with leadership. Action, after all, gives one the sense of making progress... be it forward or backward at least it's something, and when waiting for a construction start date the sense of action sometimes trumps the wiser patience.

But with patience comes 'optimism' and after 6 months of permit, 2 months of contract negotiations and a last minute call to a loan officer it is with much optimism that we approach a construction start scheduled for Monday morning. You see, I really have no choice but to be optimistic, because the bare facts are crippling. Take for instance the careful planning that has gone into choosing which kitchen objects get packed away in the closet and which are moved into the dining room to be used during construction. This is the 'sophie's choice' of most households and i'm sure glad the stand mixer made the final cut.

this will come in handy when we have no oven, microwave or running water.

Optimism... without it I might be playing out in my mind over and over again the process of moving that thing around and around my dining room table until september... Also, a curated collection of the good china is hanging around - sometime around the fourth month of 2011 it became bad to use paper plates. I'm sure washing dishes in a fashionable bathroom hand sink is a piece of cake.

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